Tips on cleaning kitchen

A kitchen is an important place responsible for our well-being and is also a birthplace of our delicious food; therefore, its hygiene is inextricably linked with our health.


When it comes to hygiene in the kitchen, there\'s always been a stereotype about the strenuous nature of cleaning the kitchen. Of course, the work is arduous if you only clean and maintain its hygiene on a whim. However, you don’t need to do the cleaning every day if you use a little trick and the result is the same. How do I do this? It is pretty simple! Please follow our little idea this week. With some household waste, you can make some kitchen cleaning items with ease and as you develop the cleaning habit with great perseverance, you will find out that the kitchen can be cleaned up without making much effort. Give it a try; you can make it!


◎Plastic bags replacing food waste bins

  The food waste bin under the kitchen counter, though convenient, requires daily cleaning, which is a bit taxing. In addition to food waste bins on the market, we can also substitute ordinary plastic bags for the bins. Prepare a small plastic bag and cut a few holes at the bottom using a fork before standing it near the sink. Throw unwanted peel and vegetable leaves in the bag and the liquid in the bag will flow through the holes. When doing the final cleaning, all you need to do is tie the bag and discard it. Simple and convenient!


◎Newspaper shreds replacing kitchen paper

  Does your family have the habit of using kitchen paper? When grease marks cover the gas stove, we are used to ripping out a sheet of kitchen paper to wipe the stove and resources are being wasted unknowingly. As a matter of fact, there are alternatives to kitchen paper. Tear waste newspaper to shreds and store them in a tin box in a corner of the kitchen. As the stove is stained with grease, get a mass of the waste shreds and gently wipe the gas stove. And its cleaning effect is as good as kitchen paper!


◎Benefits of plastic wrap’s cutting edges

  When you use up plastic wrap, its box or cutting edge has many uses. Regarding the cutting edge, in addition to cutting it into 3 to 4 sections for making a kitchen knife, it can also be used to cut tape for convenience.


◎What to do with surplus napkins?

  When you are ordering a takeout at a fast food restaurant, the sales clerk always generously stuffs a stack of napkins in the bag. However, what will you do if you have more napkins than is necessary? Don’t rush to throw them away! In fact, we can store them away when not needed and access them again should we need them to wipe the grease marks in the kitchen. Thus, not only do we need not spend extra money on kitchen paper, we also can make the best of the napkins to prevent the waste of resources.


◎Oil-proof bottles

  Alas, the sesame oil bottle is greasy as usual, and it’s tiresome every time you use it, you need to wipe your hands. The salad oil and sesame oil bottles tend to become greasy over time as we carelessly let the oil drip down the bottle. There is a small trick for you to prevent your hands from being stained with the oil on the bottle. Prepare a sheet of kitchen paper and wrap it around the oil bottle with a rubber band. In this way, even if the oil drips down the bottle, it will be absorbed by the paper, and you need not fear the oil staining your hands anymore.
